

New Blog - of the same name as this - which will have all the posts this does, and combines my other blog, along with other ideas I've had and wanted to share: aditi's simple thoughts - new

Draco Malfoy

        The Harry Potter series is filled with many complex, alluring characters, but my favorite one has to be Slytherin King Draco Malfoy. Therefore, it only made sense that I tried (emphasis on tried ) to draw him with my pencils. Surprise, surprise... it looks nothing like Tom Felton (the wonderful actor who portrayed said character).          I am very happy that I was able to get the sharp angles associated with Draco, without ruining the realistic aspect. Also, the eyes came out amazing! I used silver for the most part, but, when used properly, black can do wonders.          However, the face should have been sketched slightly more tilted down, and the eyes shouldn't be so sleepy looking.  The shadows are really badly executed.  Also, the ear is absolutely   horrid .          Apart from satisfying my inner fangirl, this project was to help me improve my hair (like so...

Light As Many Candles As Possible

        My second post is about another original drawing. It depicts a girl in a gown, going up a flight of stairs, a ball of fire in her hands. Each step has a small candle, and the steps she had already passed have lit candles, whereas the ones to be crossed are unlit. I got the idea from an article I had read that was about  trying to make the world better by helping as many people as possible. The phrase really inspired me, and an image formed in my head.          This is in fact a mixed media piece, composed of part wax-based color pencil and part watercolor. I used my color pencils for the figure, candles, the window frame, and the flames.         I first started with the sky when I switched to watercolor. I wanted it to look like dusk was falling, to fill up the world with darkness. I was unsure of how I would fare, but the results have definitely satisfied me. *I also used washi tape to mark off t...

Little Tulip

        Little Tulip is one of my latest watercolor pieces, although the outline had been completed months ago. It is one of my original dress designs, inspired by a flower. The Bodice is the stem and the actual gown is made up of the petals. The bodice color is a bit too bright, making it a bit unnatural. I had tried to make the top part green netting, but the water made the ink spread, so it now looks like a black blotch. The ink also bled into the petals. However, if you look at it from far away, the petals actually look realistic. I do realize this picture could have been better planned. #BadArt

BindeySketch: Eye

        In case you couldn't tell, I love drawing eyes. I draw them when ever I'm bored, or thinking, or don't have any inspiration. I draw them surprised, angry, and neutral. I even draw different types: manga, anime, realistic, cartoon, etc.          This was drawn in the midst of Italian at my middle school. I was waiting for my paper to arrive, so I doodled. Considering i was surrounded by some *ahem* LOUD people, it was a wonder i could do anything (they actually weren't too loud...). But why draw in my mini-binder? Well, that's my school sketchbook. I take it with me everywhere, and use it whenever I feel like it. Carrying it is much easier than carrying a book.         I tried to make the eyelashes more realistic, instead of straight up like a spooked cat's tail. They have more flow to them now. The pupil did become a bit cartoonish in the end, but I could fix it by making the lines inside a bit lighter. I wa...

How I Draw: Brown Hair

        In this How I Draw, I will explain the wizardry of hair. Hair, along with the face, is the most essential part of a portrait. Getting the right feel and depth is very precarious to do, but it isn't impossible. I will be showing the four basic hair colors in four posts.          This post will be for the most simplest of them all: brown hair. I know there are many shades of brown hair, but this will be for dark brown hair. For a darker and lighter shades, change the colors respectively.          The colors used for this project are: -Black                           -Dark Brown -Light Umber -Sienna Brown -Ginger Root           When drawing hair, you always want to go lightest to darkest, because hair is all about the layers. In this case, start by stroking in the Ginger Root, then use the arrays o...


        This post is about my latest portrait, Bella. Bella is based of of this sketch of a 5-6 year-old. I intentionally made her look older, about 12-13 years old. Look-On         I did tweak the angle and hair a bit. Obviously, you can tell my drawing is the older version of the girl shown. The girl pictured doesn't have a name, so I gave her one. Like Lucy, Bella was named because of how it suited her looks and expression. Bella B&W Bella Colored Black shadows, lips and eyes (eye color: Hazel, colors used: Sienna Brown, Canary Yellow, Olive Green, Dark Green)... Face... Eyebrows and eyelashes,  neck,  shadows to the nose and eyes... Completed nose... Shirt, parts of background... Completed Part 1 of background...         Now, the part we've all been waiting for: Hair! This time, I decided to try ginger/red hair. The colors used, from lightest to darkest, are: Cre...