Manga Girl
Manga is an art style that originates from Japan. It became more popular during the late 19th century. Manga is also a kind of Japanese comic, directed towards kids and adults alike. What makes manga unique from other styles of art is that little detail is given to a characters nose and mouth. The characters emotions, feeling, and intentions are expressed by it's eyes, which have the utmost detail.
This is my first attempt at a manga girl. I got the inspiration for her form this picture. This picture is a picture from wikiHow under "How to draw a manga girl/boy." Here is the example:
For my copy, I used a 2B and a 6B sketching pencil. I must admit, the left side of the jaw should have been more rounder, so that I could have more room for the eyes.
The dangling earrings are my own personal touch to the cartoon. They are inspired a by a pair that I own. Her shirt and chest are a bit more visible than the example, since I had started her head off a bit high. Her eyes are a bit more closer, and her face itself is less rounder. Her eyes, like most pieces of manga art, are large and well highlighted. They are full of emotion, and her mouth is forming a small, gentle smile that I find similar to the Mona Lisa's smile.
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