How I Draw: Blending

        How I Draw: posts explain how I draw a part of a drawing. Each post will focus on a different part, and how I shade and such. The first post will be about blending, a key element when drawing, whether graphite or color pencil.
        Blending can be done two ways: with a white color pencil and a colorless blender. It is up to the artist to decide where to use which. In the following posts, I will tell what I use for blending. However, that doesn't mean the other won't work. Below, the pros and cons for each.

White Colored Pencil:

  • Good for wide areas and overlapping colors
  • Smooth finish
  • Good for drawing skin and hair
  • Makes the color much lighter, and hard to regain color
  •  Not good for transitioning from one color to another
Colorless Blender:
  • Doesn't make colors lighter or darker
  • Good for transitioning colors
  • Good for creating streaks in hair
  • Good for shadows and clothing
  • Not ideal for skin
  • Bad for large areas
  • Rugged look if not properly used
(Colors Used: True Blue, True Green)

White Colored Pencil:



Colorless Blender:



White vs. Colorless:


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